4 Reasons to Invest in Analytics and Marketing Stack Prep for Your Event

{{image}} ...and what to do with the data you collect... Today’s technology provides access to event data that was inaccessible only a few years ago: attendees’ interests, behavior, and even impressions. In light of this technological progress, event marketers can no longer rely on qualitative arguments and anecdotal evidence of the benefits of their events. Marketers are driven to provide exact data and ROI reports to event stakeholders based on powerful analytics. Investing in analytics for your event is as important as investing in content, speakers and technology. Here are our top 5 reasons why:

1. Drive higher value and ROI

Attendee experience is one of the most important points to evaluate before, during and after your event. How did your content impact your attendees and more importantly did it generate renewed interest? Attendees that have a good experience will not only return next year but also refer their colleagues and friends to you as well, thus increasing the qualitative value of your event and the quantitate ROI. If your event intent is to generate demand, there is nothing more valuable than creating, capturing and acting upon renewed interest. Investing time in prepping your marketing stack to consume event and evaluation data is the best way to accomplish this task. Combining session and evaluation data can provide you with the ability to measure the effectiveness of your speakers and content so you can adjust who delivers what to improve performance.

2. Make strategic decisions pre-event

When putting on a large-scale event, it’s important to study data from previous events and the industry. The aforementioned combined session and evaluation dataset is ideal for this and intended to provide you with a benchmark for content delivery performance and a score of which is content resonates best. Have a plan in place with regards to the goals and metrics important to you, make sure you capture consistent data from every event touchpoint and evaluate based upon performance against the goals and metrics. By investing in analytics and proven technology solutions that provide accurate and actionable data, you will know what aspects of the event you should focus on, improve or omit overall.

3. Empower your sales team with meetings and richer lead profiles

If your event intent is to generate demand for your products and services, it is vital to keep your sales team in mind, and to gather their input when creating an agenda and content. Your sales team will want to know, what content their key customers and prospects consumed, and more importantly, if this content resonated and if they are interested in learning more. Help your sales team and event attendees by enabling them to meet when content warrants further discussion. Validar’s suite of attendee behavior tracking solutions combined with our EventHub™ mobile feedback solution is uniquely suited to deliver actionable data to your sales team in this manner. Our new vMeetings product is a great addition to these tools as well! Please reach out to learn more.

4. Prove the value of your work

 As an event marketer, you’re delivering the ultimate value when capturing and acting upon a renewed interest in collaboration with your sales team. By investing time and money in Marketing Stack preparation and analytics early on, you will be able to clearly communicate the ROI of your event and prove its value to the stakeholders. Explore all the possible analytics solutions Validar has to offer and gain the most accurate, actionable data for your next event.