5 easy ways to get your feedback response way up

With greater access to event technology, brands have fewer excuses for hosting events with unmeasured or ambiguous returns on investment. Every attendee can tell you something different about their experience and how your event content aligned with their goals and objectives.  {{image}}   Below are five strategies for increasing event evaluation response rates or maximizing every encounter with guests and potential customers.

Deliver a great attendee experience: 

For events, first impressions are a vital and important aspect to garnering valuable positive feedback. Start by speeding up your event check-in process onsite. Event Ticket grants attendees access to your event in a fast, paperless fashion. Also consider delivering a real-time SMS notification to each attendees sales rep when they check-in for an even more personal greeting. 

Track and and act upon session attendance live:

For complex events, it’s important that data captured become available in real-time such as sessions or product demos attended. By capturing this attendee activity in real-time, your marketing stack can now act upon this activity by delivering additional event content that is relevant live during the event. You can also propagate unique evaluations live during that session. By letting your speakers know, and encouraging them to ask the audience to provide feedback you can impact your eval response significantly.  

Capture feedback both within your mobile application and external to it:{{image}}

You're mobile application is a vital tool to use for attendee / sponsor collaboration, and content delivery. Specific to feed back though, you need to take into consideration mobile app adoption rates. If you want your evaluation response rates to be high, make it easy for your attendees to provide feedback by capturing feedback both within your mobile application and external to it. By using Validar's EventHub® HTML 5 application you can capture feedback from your preferred mobile application, on-site registration stations, and target emails via Validar’s smart list tool.

Capture feedback with Sales in mind:

Most often B2B event producers capture feedback primarily for the event management team to gauge that events performance. If the primary intent of your event is to generate demand, find out if how your content resonated and if it generated renewed interest. Capture this renewed interest within your marketing stack and make sure your prepared to act upon it. 

Provide incentive:

Providing attendees gifts is always a great idea. Tying these gifts to feedback is an even better one! Use your gift redemption center as feedback confirmation center as well. If their responses are in, give them their gift:) Starting small is okay! Remember to hire outside expertise if you need it, and to test applications in advance of events to determine the ones that can best support your team. For more on the future of event planning technologies and strategy, bookmark our blog, and visit Validar.com.