4 metrics you should focus on if you’re not receiving ample credit for your event marketing efforts.

{{image}} As we all know, Digital Marketing has experienced explosive growth over the past decade, primarily due to the measurable impact it has on a company’s trajectory. However, research shows that in-person events have remained one of the top drivers of demand and revenue for most B2B organizations driving a significant increase in face-to-face events spend. Considering this, there is a significant growing need among marketing teams to mirror the insights they are now getting from digital tactics by tracking attendee behavior at events. There are four metrics that should be readily available to Marketing and executive management on an event program:

  1. Pipeline influence
  2. Pipeline revenue
  3. Actual revenue
  4. Campaign Cost per Order Dollar (CPOD)

Much easier said than done, but doable. You most likely have a handle on these metrics tied to your Digital Marketing efforts. It’s harder with events and it requires good attendee behavior  tracking technology with pre-event Marketing Stack preparation. Simply put, your Marketing Stack needs to align with event content (and here’s how you can make it happen!). Any session or product demos that are unique and intended to generate renewed interest need to have a repository for treatment. Once your event data is there, your data can be converted to new opportunities and measured as Pipeline and Actual revenue.   Measuring your event marketing success requires a collaborative effort on Sales and Marketing’s behalf, a good closed-loop marketing solution, and CRM implementation. Also, there are many smart people available to help. Please let us know if you are interested in learning more.